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Results 3rd Congressional District Nc

A special election was held on September 10th, 2019 to fill the vacancy in North Carolina's 3rd congressional district in the United States House of Representatives for the remainder of the 116th United States Congress. Jones Jr., the incumbent representative, died on February 10, 2019. See full results and maps from the North Carolina election. North Carolina Election Results: Third Congressional District. 30, 2021, 1:46 AM ET.

Chairman’s Message January 2021

If you were at our January 9 Executive Committee meeting at the Bucher Farm thanks for being a participant, if not you missed a great session. After the debacle in Washington DC on January 6, it was time to vent, bitch, curse and question, the main topic being “I am mad as HELL and am not going to stand for this anymore”. A special thanks to Pat Garrison, Bill Lanier, Browny Douglas, Bob Williams, Keith Kidwell and Dave Wickersham for outstanding contributions to the discussion. Consensus, it was not Trump’s fault and it is time to rebuild both the party, our candidate recruitment/vetting/electing and holding-their-feet-to-the-fire activities.

Looking forward, we will meet again on February 6 to continue this discussion and start planning to make NC even more of an example of” how it should be done”. With less than a year until Municipal elections throughout the District, it is time to make plans to increase our presence on County Boards, local governments and other local elective offices. Before that happens, we will be meeting via our County Conventions in March and our District Convention April 17 in Greenville followed by our NCGOP Convention, also in Greenville, June 4-6. With new leadership at County, District and State levels we need to be incredibly careful in selecting leaders who can take us to the next level. Important needs are candidate training, fund-raising trailing, candidate and leader recruitment, improved communications, and whatever you think is important to protect our freedoms and to regain those already lost/eroded. Remember, the Party is not one man but a set of principles, a platform and YOU!

After watching, on and off, the happenings in Georgia January 5, in DC on January 6 and in the House of Representatives January 13, I am even more resolved to help set America back on her path to greatness and ask that each of you be patient as we sort things out. It is a given that the next two years will be runaway by the Party of Evil spending, regulations and censorship of both thought and deed. If, as predicted, they try to enact their socialist ideas we should be able to win back both the House and Senate in 2022 and the White House again in 2024. With Covid-19 on” their” side I am happy to report that I am scheduled to be vaccinated on January 21 so I can keep fighting alongside those patriotic folks reading this…we will come back and reign again as the party of common sense and Christian values upon which our country was founded.

Comments and questions are always welcome.

Carl Mischka
Chairman, NC Congressional District 3
PO Box 14443, New Bern, NC 28561

New 2016
New Hanover73,77
The map above shows North Carolina's Third Congressional District from 2011-2015 spanning all or part of 22 coastal counties from the Virginia line down to Wilmington, and portions reaching inland to encompass portions of Greene, Lenoir, Martin, and Pitt Counties. Nine counties are entirely located within the Third District, while 13 others are split, with the First and/or Seventh District.2020

*In 2016, these maps were declared unconstitutional by a Federal Court, who instructed the NC General Assembly to redraw the maps again. The new map greatly reduced the number of split counties, bringing our number down to 17. We lost New Hanover and Pender to the 7th, and lost Gates, Martin, and Washington to the 1st. All other split counties except for Pitt were now brought entirely within the 3rd District.

Results 3rd Congressional District Ncaa

The new map is still under review, but is currently slated for use in 2016 elections, with Congressional filing to be held in March and Primaries to be held in June. For 2016 District Conventions and DNC Delegate Selection Process, we will still be operating under the 2011-2015 Districts as outlined in the Delegate Selection Plan. At what point the NCDP will realign district organization to the new districts is yet to be announced, but may occur at the State Convention to be held in June. We will keep you informed once an announcement is made.

California Congressional District Results

Counties listed above in italics were a part of the 3rd District until the 2011 redistricting redrew the lines.