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Jplot Example

Simple, clean and engaging HTML5 based JavaScript charts. Chart.js is an easy way to include animated, interactive graphs on your website for free. Home Examples Docs Download Info Donate. A Versatile and Expandable jQuery Plotting Plugin! JqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. JqPlot produces beautiful line, bar and pie charts with many features: Numerous chart style options. Note that these examples use the non-minified source, so they will not work on older browsers such as Internet Explorer. Use the built source (which comes installed with the NPM package) if. For example, one the first line, the stem is 66, and there are seven 0’s to the right of this stem, indicating that there are seven cases with a value of 66 or 67 for this variable. Boxplot – The box plot is a graphical representation of the 5-number summary for a variable. It is based on the quartiles of a variable. Download JPlot for free. JPlot is a multi-purpose data plotting program for use as the graphic front-end of (scientific) software. JPlot is also available as a stand-alone application with a complete and easy-to-use graphic user interface (GUI).

Here are some examples for Flot, the Javascript charting library for jQuery:

Basic Usage

  • Different graph types and simple categories/textual data
  • Setting various options and annotating a chart
  • Updating graphs with AJAX and real-time updates


  • Rectangular selection support and zooming and zooming with overview (both with selection plugin)
  • Panning and zooming (with navigation plugin)
  • Panning and zooming simple and log-axis charts with Touch (with touchNavigation plugin)
  • Automatically redraw when window is resized (with resize plugin)
Jplot Example


  • Plotting time series, visitors per day with zooming and weekends (with selection plugin)

Additional Features

Plot example python
  • Using other symbols than circles for points (with symbol plugin)
  • Thresholding the data (with threshold plugin)
  • Stacked charts (with stacking plugin)
  • Using filled areas to plot percentiles (with fillbetween plugin)
  • Tracking curves with crosshair (with crosshair plugin)
  • Plotting prerendered images (with image plugin)
  • Plotting error bars (with errorbars plugin)
  • Pie charts (with pie plugin)

Plot Example Python

Plot Examples In English

Note that these examples use the non-minified source, so they will not work on older browsers such as Internet Explorer. Use the built source (which comes installed with the NPM package) if you need broader support.